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13th December - Tuesday in the Third Week of Advent


Martyrology - 13th December

On the 13th day of December, were born into the better life:

At Syracuse, in Sicily, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian, the holy Virgin and martyr Lucy. By command of Paschasius the Consular she was handed over to panders to make a public mock of her chastity, but when they would have led her away they could not move her even with ropes, and not even when these were drawn by many yoke of oxen then they poured upon her boiling pitch, rosin, and oil but these did not hurt her, and at length she was smitten in the neck with a sword, and so finished her testimony, (in the year 303.)

In Armenia, in the same persecution under the Emperor Diocletian, the holy martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius, and Orestes. Eustratius was first put to dreadful torments under Lysias, and afterwards to the like at Sebaste, along with Orestes, under the President Agricolaus, and was then cast into a furnace, wherein he gave up the ghost. Orestes was laid upon an iron bed heated with fire, and so passed away to be ever with the Lord. The others finished their testimony in diverse ways in the country of the Arabraci, after enduring most cruel sufferings under the President Lysias. Their bodies were afterwards brought to Rome and honourably buried in the church of St. Apollinaris.

In the island of Sulcis, off the coast of Sardinia, (in the second century,) under the Emperor Hadrian, the holy martyr Antiochus.

At Cambrai, in Gaul, the holy Confessor Aubert, Bishop (of that see, and of Arras. He was consecrated on March 21, 633, and died in the year 669.)

At Ponthieu, (in Gaul, in the year 669,) the holy Confessor Josse, (King of Brittany and hermit at Ponthieu.)

In the country of Strasbourg, (in the eighth century,) the holy Virgin Othilia. (First Abbess of Hohenburg, of the order of St Benedict, she was daughter of a Duke of Alsace.)

At Moulins, in Gaul, the holy widow Jeane Frances Fremiot de Chantal, (1572-1641,) foundress of the Congregation of Nuns of the Visitation of St. Mary. She was eminent by her noble birth, by the holiness of her life, which she sanctified unceasingly in the four different states of maiden, wife, widow, and nun, and by the grace of working miracles, and Clement XIII enrolled her name among those of the Saints. Her sacred body was translated to Annecy, in Savoy, and there entombed with solemn pomp in the first church of their order. Clement XIV ordered her feast to be kept by the Universal Church upon the 21st day of August.

And elsewhere many other Holy Martyrs, Confessors and Holy virgins.

R. Thanks be to God


Meditations - Tuesday in the Third Week of Advent: To Imitate the Incarnate Word

Summary of the Morrow’s Meditation

We will meditate tomorrow on our third duty towards the Incarnate Word, which consists in imitating Him, and we shall see: first, that the design of God in decreeing the Incarnation was to give us the Incarnate Word as our model; second, that the excellence of this model invites us to imitate it. We will then make the resolution: first, often to compare the sentiments of Christ with ours, particularly in regard to the love of the cross, of poverty, of pre-eminence; second, to enter within ourselves before every action and every resolution, in order to ask ourselves, What would Jesus Christ do or think? Our spiritual nosegay shall be the words of the Saviour: “I have given you an example that as I have done to you, so you do also” (joh xiii:15).

Meditation for the Morning

Let us adore the Son of God, descended from heaven to earth, not only to redeem us, but also to teach us the Christian life by His example. Before preaching His doctrine He began by practising it (act i:4). He observed His precepts and His counsels before giving them to us, so that we might have no pretext for neglecting them. Let us thank Him for so touching a condescendence, and let us excite ourselves to imitate Him.

First point

The Design of God in Decreeing the Incarnation was to Give us His Incarnate Word to be our Model.

When God in His eternal councils decreed the Incarnation of the Word, He proposed to Himself to place Him before the eyes of men as the model of the new life which was destined to save them. As man, the Incarnate Word would show them the way; as God, He would guarantee to them the perfection of the model. His virtues would be capable of imitation, since they would proceed from a man, and they would be a sure rule, since they would proceed from a God. If, then, says St Bonaventure, the Adorable Word made Himself visible upon earth, if He conversed familiarly with men, if He subjected Himself to the performance of even the most ordinary actions, it was for no other purpose than to give us an example in everything (De Inst. Novit. xxxii 1). I have given you an example, He Himself says, that I may offer to you in My person the rule of your conduct (joh xiii:15). “I am the way and the truth and the life” (joh xiv:6): the way you ought to follow, the truth you ought to hear, the life you ought to live. Lastly, St Paul on his side declares to us that the predestination of the whole of the elect is on condition that they bear in themselves the semblance of Christ (rom viii:29). This is also the reason why St Basil tells us that Christianity is nothing more than the imitation of Jesus Christ (Reg. Fus. Expl. 43); St Gregory of Nyssa, that he alone deserves the name of Christian who shows forth in his life the life of Jesus Christ (On Christian Perfection); St Augustine, that Jesus Christ came upon earth there to be an example of a perfect life; St Laurence Justinian, that the life of Jesus is the true model of perfection, the type of a good life, the teaching of religion, and the expression of all the virtues. Have we, up to the present time, well understood this fundamental truth, and striven to rule our life according to that of Jesus Christ?

Second point

The Excellence of the Model set before us in Jesus Christ invites us to Imitate it.

First, it is the most glorious of models: what is there that can be more honourable, more suitable to flatter a noble heart, than to be called upon to imitate a God, as St Paul says? (eph v:1) Second, it is the most unexceptionable of all models: who is there that could find that painful to which a God was the first to submit, whilst promising us His grace to raise our weakness to His height? Third, it is the most amiable of models: for if we strive to resemble the persons we love, if this resemblance causes us to be loved, then the imitation of Jesus Christ is at once an act of love towards Himself and a means of making ourselves to be more and more loved. Fourth, it is the model the most within our reach: His life has not the austerity of that of St John the Baptist, which would have alarmed our weakness; He led a simple and ordinary life; He ate, slept, laboured, like us; He suffered, wept, passed through all our trials, in order to serve us as an example in everything. Do we understand our happiness in having before our eyes so admirable a model? Do we strive to copy it, and to say to ourselves, Is it thus that Jesus Christ would act, would speak, would think? Is this His religion, His charity, His meekness, His modesty, His recollection, His spirit of sacrifice? Behold this is what we ought to say to ourselves every day and at every instant, so to speak.

Resolutions and spiritual nosegay as above.


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