He was hidden from the secret counsel of the wicked; hidden by God, being Himself God; hidden, as touching the Manhood, by God the Son, and the very Manhood, Which is taken into God the Son; because He is the Son of man, and He is the Son of God; Son of God, as being in the form of God; Son of man, as having taken upon Him the form of a servant, Phil. ii. 6, 7, Whose life no man taketh from Him, but Who layeth it down of Himself. He hath power to lay it down, and He hath power to take it again, John x. 18. What then was all that they which hated Him could do? They could kill the Body, but they were not able to kill the Soul. Consider this very earnestly. It had been a small thing for the Lord to preach to the Martyrs by His word, if He had not also nerved them by His example.
(From the treatise of St. Augustine on the Psalms)
On this day may all the small sacrifices we offer, begin to make sense, and let us offer them through the hands of the Woman of Dolors, that not one of them will be wasted.
A blessed Good Friday to all.
Fr. Withoos