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The Martyrology - 5th December

On the morrow we keep in England the feast of the holy Confessor Brian, first Bishop of Dorchester, of whom mention is made upon the 3rd day of this present month of December.

Upon the same 5th day of December, were born into the better life:

At Mutalasque, in Cappadocia, the holy Saba, Abbot (in Palestine in the year 531,) who shone in Palestine as a marvellous example of holiness, and toiled manfully for the Catholic faith against those that impugned the holy Council of Chalcedon, (held in the year 451.)

At Thebeste, in Africa, holy Crispina, (of Thagara,) a woman of very high rank, who refused to sacrifice to idols, in the days of the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian, and was therefore beheaded by command of the Pro-consul Anolinus, (in the year 304.) Holy Augustin doth oftentimes speak in her praise.

At Thagara, in Africa, the holy martyrs Julius, Potamia, Crispin, Felix, Gratus, and seven others.

At Nice, upon the river Var, holy Bassus, Bishop (of that see, in the third century.) In the persecution under the Emperors Decius and Valerian the President Perennius caused him for Christ's faith's sake to be racked, burnt with plates of white-hot metal, beaten with cudgels and loaded scourges, cast into the fire, and when he came out therefrom unharmed, to be pierced with two nails, and so he achieved an illustrious martyrdom.

At Pavia, the holy martyr Dalmatius, Bishop (of that see,) who suffered in the persecution under the Emperor Maximian, (in the year 304.)

At Pentinia, in the Abruzzi, the holy martyr Pelinus, Bishop of Brindisi.

In the days of the Emperor Julian the Apostate a temple of Mars fell down in answer to his prayer, wherefore the heathen priests beat him direfully, and he earned the crown of martyrdom by eighty-five wounds, (about the year 362.)

Likewise, (in the sixth century,) the holy martyr Anastasius, whose desire for martyrdom caused him to show himself of his own will to the persecutors.

At Trier, (about the year 566,) holy Nicetius, Bishop (of that see,) a man of wonderful holiness. (Two of his works are still extant.)

At Polybotus, in Asia, holy John, called the Wonder-worker, Bishop (of that see in the time of the Emperor Leo the Isaurian.) And elsewhere many other Holy Martyrs, Confessors and Holy virgins.

R. Thanks be to God




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